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jining weiya paper making machinery co.,ltd.
CONTACT:Mr.Teng Jingyan
Q Q:964287335
EMAIL:tengjingyan2005@163.com / weiyachina@163.com 964287335@qq.com
Office address:Room No.0909, nine floor of one unit, Haineng international B tower building, Rencheng district, Jining city, Shandong province, China
Machining base:Jiacheng Road industrial park of Jining Economic and Technological Development Zone.
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Development Strategies for China's Paper Machinery Industry

Release time:2024-05-29   Click:
The development strategies for China's paper machinery industry mainly include the following points:
1. Institutional and financial issues: The development of domestic papermaking machinery first lacks funding, which is closely related to the operational system of the enterprise. At present, in the domestic paper machinery market, the most active and rapidly developing are almost all private enterprises or joint-stock enterprises. State owned or collective enterprises should accelerate the transformation of the shareholding system, clarify property rights relationships as much as possible, and provide equal and fair competition opportunities for each enterprise in the market. To enable enterprises that truly excel in management, technology, marketing, and service to stand out as soon as possible, complete capital accumulation as soon as possible, and lay a solid foundation for further development. Establishing a standardized market to promote the development of well managed enterprises and eliminate poorly managed enterprises is an urgent task for the industry and administrative management departments. We should study and formulate relevant market game rules, gradually forming a market management system mainly based on technical standards, regulations, and other technical and economic barriers. Once enterprise property rights are clarified and market game rules are established, enterprise development can move towards a virtuous cycle. At this point, the funding issue for the development of domestic papermaking machinery can truly be implemented and planned long-term investment can be obtained. The development of papermaking machinery cannot rely on long-term government investment and loans, which can only address the symptoms rather than the root cause. Relying on the company's own efforts to gradually invest is one aspect, but it may be relatively slow. If domestic equipment can attract development funds in terms of market prospects, operating mechanisms, and standardization, then both private and foreign funds should be utilized.
2. Technical and talent issues: The technical and management talents required for the domestic paper machinery industry play a significant role in the development of the industry, especially after the scale and product level of the enterprise are upgraded, the requirements for technical and management talents will be higher. At present, the current situation in China is that many enterprises have uneven and low-level technical personnel, which makes it difficult for them to be competent in the development and service of products with high technical levels, optimize the structure and performance of products. Many technical personnel in enterprises have grown up when they were working on low-end products. As the performance and speed of the products improve, a lot of previous knowledge and experience need to be updated and accumulated. The talent cultivation of enterprises mainly relies on themselves, because papermaking machinery technology requires profound relevant theories and skills, strong professionalism and craftsmanship, and continuous accumulation of experience. This also requires technical personnel to first have a high level of expertise, and secondly to continuously explore and summarize in practice.
3. Expanding the international market involves two aspects: firstly, seeking cooperation with major international companies to provide partial support;
The second is to explore the markets of developing countries and export complete sets. By collaborating with large companies, one can accumulate a lot of experience in management and manufacturing, acquire useful knowledge and information, and fully utilize the advantages of foreign management, funding, technology, and other aspects. At the same time, there may also be a certain amount of capital accumulation, laying a foundation for further development. Expanding the market in developing countries is because China's paper machinery has advantages in scale, price, and technology, which are more suitable for the needs of this market. It can seek greater market space for domestic paper machinery and further accumulate capital. 4. Seeking accurate market positioning and strengthening division of labor cooperation. Currently, most domestic paper machinery enterprises have the drawbacks of being large and comprehensive or small and comprehensive, resulting in product similarity, excessive price competition, uneven and unstable quality and performance, and difficulty in reducing production costs. At present, the paper industry is in a period of upscale and large-scale development, which is also a great opportunity for the paper machinery industry to adjust industry division of labor, even asset restructuring, and seek market positioning again. Because not a few enterprises, and it can even be said that most enterprises cannot meet the current requirements of paper mills for mechanical products in terms of technology, quality, accuracy, debugging, and even processing cycles. Enterprises should actively adjust their structure, seek cooperation with enterprises with good market reputation, strong technical and management capabilities, learn from each other's strengths and make up for their weaknesses, so that large enterprises can concentrate their manpower and material resources on market development and technological development, and support enterprises to refine and do a good job in components.
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